Back to School Footcare Tips for Kids

Back to School Footcare Tips for Kids

Summer is officially finished and as the new school year approaches, parents are busy shopping clothes, shoes, and school supplies. However, footcare is often overlooked and a lot of children suffer from various foot issues during early school days. Proper footcare is very important and now is the time to get things right before they cause pain or injury.

Here are some tips for back to school foot care for kids:

  1. First of all, choose the right shoes: A lot of shoe shops offer advice and will help you choose the right shoes for your kids. Shoes that are too small, too big, too loose, or too tight can cause blisters, soreness, and ingrown toenails. Get their feet measured and make sure your child’s shoes fit properly and provide good support. Look for shoes with a sturdy sole, a wide toe box, and a low heel. Avoid pumps, thin soles, and high heels.
  2. Choose the right socks: Socks can help prevent blisters and keep feet dry. I would recommend going for socks made of breathable materials such as cotton or wool and avoid synthetic materials that can trap moisture.
  3. Keep feet clean and dry: Encourage your child to wash their feet daily and dry them well, especially between their toes. Fungal infections, like athlete’s foot, thrive in dark, hot and moist environments, such as shoes and socks.
  4. Trim toenails straight across: Toenails should be trimmed straight across and not too short or down the sides. Ingrown toenails are very common in older children, as they tend to pick their nails or trying to fix them themselves.
  5. Keep active: Regular exercise can help improve flexibility and foot strength. Also, regular stretching can prevent injuries. Encourage your child to take regular breaks from sitting down and go out for walks and playing various sporting activities.
  6. Inspect their feet: I would encourage you to check your child’s feet regularly for signs of foot problems such as redness, swelling, blisters, or pain. Teenagers are particularly good at masking foot problems! If you notice anything unusual, get professional help from a Podiatrist.

Back to School Footcare Tips for Kids

Back to School Footcare Tips for Kids

Back to school is a busy time for both parents and children. But it is important to show your children how to look after their feet. You can also bring them to the clinic for a foot health check if you need to. If you are experiencing any discomfort in your feet, or you are concerned about your children’s feet, we are more than happy to help. Give us a call today on 01455 246100 to chat through your needs.

We offer treatments for nails, hard skin, ingrown toenails, sports injuries, and advice for people with Diabetes. With our expertise and experience, you will have full peace of mind when it comes to your foot health.

For more information about our range of treatments, please contact us on 01455 246100. We would love to help you with any foot health issues you may have.

Thank you for reading – Back to School Footcare Tips for Kids.

Faye Vogiatzoglou
Clinical Director

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