New Year’s Resolutions! Let’s Put a Smile on Your Feet

New Year’s Resolutions: Let’s Put a Smile On Your Feet

So, as well as vowing to watch less television or keep on top of the dishes this New Year, make sure you put the comfort and wellbeing of your feet on your list of resolutions too.

We’ve put together a few ways that you can start giving your feet the star treatment in 2022!

Pamper and Moisturise

New Year’s ResolutionsWho doesn’t love to feel pampered now and again? And our feet are not to be missed when it comes to soaking our troubles away.

For baby-soft feet, exfoliate using a scrub. Most of us have dry and cracked feet because we don’t take care of them. Dead skin can be uncomfortable, but regular exfoliation will get rid of the dead skin and result in softer and smoother feet.

Moisturising is also the key to maintaining silky-smooth feet. Just before bed, apply a moisturising cream (preferably at least 10% urea based) or body butter, and then pull on a pair of socks. You’ll wake up with noticeably softer feet.

Need some moisturiser recommendations? Check out our range of creams that your feet will thank you for.

Buy a New Comfortable Pair of Shoes

It’s time to put aside that old, worn pair of shoes you’re attached to because they are ‘comfortable’. The new year is about starting afresh, so now’s the time to invest in a new pair that are comfortable, but also supportive.

Comfortable doesn’t have to mean old-fashioned! There are plenty of shoes out there that are both attractive, fashionable, comfortable, and supportive.

We can advise on a range of wider fit shoes that are extra roomy, comfy and suitable for a range of occasions in an array of styles – just ask one of our podiatrist for further details.

Don’t Ignore Foot Problems

Medical professionals can sometimes describe our feet as ‘windows’ as they can often indicate a health problem elsewhere in the body.


It’s for this important reason that your final New Year’s resolution for your feet should be that you get any unusual foot problems checked out by a GP or your podiatrist as soon as possible, as it could be an indication of something bigger.

Some common symptoms to be aware of include: a swollen toe, which could indicate gout or infection; your nails turning club-shaped, which could point to a lung condition; sore toe joints, which could signal rheumatoid arthritis as well as ulcers and numbness which could be a sign of diabetes.

Start Doing Foot Exercises and Stretches

A lot of people make New Year’s resolutions to exercise more, but let’s not forget about exercising our feet! Doing some foot exercises and stretching out our lower muscles from time-to-time is a great way to encourage good blood flow and can help alleviate any pains and discomfort.

We recommend some easy exercises that you can do in the comfort of your own home, minimum 3 times a week, such as heel raises, and calf stretches.



At Medipod Clinics we are very experienced when it comes to managing foot problems. As well as keeping up to date with the latest research and new treatments, we always try to give you the information and tools you need to keep your feet healthy.

From treating your feet with new, well-fitting footwear to buying yourself a soothing foot cream, Medipod stock a range of feel-good foot products that are sure to kick-start your new year in the right direction.

If you are experiencing any discomfort in your feet, we are more than happy to help. Give us a call today on 01455 246100 to chat through your needs.

We offer treatments for nails, hard skin, ingrown toenails, verrucas, heel pain, tendinitis, and advice for people with Diabetes. With our expertise and experience, you will have full peace of mind when it comes to your foot health.

For more information about our range of treatments, please contact us on 01455 246100. We would love to help you with any foot health issues you may have.

Thank you for reading,
Faye Vogiatzoglou

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