Bespoke Orthoses vs Shop-Bought Insoles: What is Best?

What are orthoses?

Bespoke Orthoses vs Shop-Bought Insoles: What is Best?Orthoses or orthotic devices (insoles) are shoe inserts that slide into your shoes to help with foot and ankle function, reduce the risk of injury and improve your posture. Conditions that orthoses can help include flat feet and high arches, bunions and hammer toes, heel spurs and plantar fasciitis, and last but not least, back pain and arthritis.

A lot of people are using orthoses in their shoes. As a podiatrist, I see different conditions, that can improve with regular use of orthoses. But which is better? Shop bought orthoses or bespoke ones?

This time we are exploring the pros and cons of different types of orthoses. I hope that this will guide your decision regarding whether off the shelf orthoses, will address your foot pain appropriately.

Over-the-counter insoles

    1. Low cost
    2. Soft and flexible
    3. Available straight away
    4. Multiple options available especially if you have flat feet

But they also are:

    1. Not designed for your foot type or foot pathology
    2. There are hardly any options if you have high arches
    3. Low durability – only last up to 6 months max
    4. Some of them are thick and bulky, and therefore difficult to fit into footwear
    5. Some of them can do more harm than good

Custom-made orthoses (Bespoke Orthoses)

    1. Biomechanically designed and engineered for your foot type
    2. Durability – they can last up to 10 years
    3. Adjustments can be made
    4. Fit better into shoes
    5. They contour to your arch profile so suitable for both flat feet and high arches
    6. Comfortable and supportive

However, they also are:

    1. Expensive – minimum £200 plus assessment and casting fees
    2. Delay in issuing them to you
    3. Not all shoes will accommodate orthoses

So, what should you get?

Bespoke Orthoses vs Shop-Bought Insoles: What is Best?There are advantages and disadvantages to both options. The answer depends on whether you are looking for more comfort whilst walking or standing, or have a more serious condition that needs to be addressed. In any case, it is recommended that you have an assessment by an experienced podiatrist before you decide. During a biomechanical assessment, we take specific measurements from your feet, ankles, knees, hips, and lower back, look at the overall structure of your whole body, examine posture, assess muscle weakness and strength in your lower limbs. There is a lot of observation and measurement involved!

If you experience pain in your feet, or legs, the podiatrist can assess the way you walk and recommend a management plan. Pain is the body’s way of informing you that something is not right. You should not ignore pain, even if it is occasional. If pain is left untreated, it can lead to other compensation patterns elsewhere in the body, such as ankles, knees, hips and back.

Bespoke Orthoses vs Shop-Bought Insoles: What is Best?Leonardo da Vinci said that “The human foot is a masterpiece of engineering and a piece of art”. This comes as no surprise, if you consider that the foot contains 26 bones, 33 joints and more than 100 muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Foot function is very complex, and every foot is totally different.

At Medipod Clinics, our podiatrists understand how your foot works. Claire is our MSK (Musculo-skeletal) specialist and foot supports guru!

We also offer a very wide range of treatments such as verruca treatments, ingrown toenail management, fungal infection treatment, heel pain management, diabetic footcare and sports injuries management. I can assure you that we will do our best to exceed your expectations. Our staff will treat your feet with the respect and attention they deserve. For more information and to get in touch, please contact us on 01455 246100. You are also, welcome to visit us at 45 Rugby Rd, Hinckley, LE10 0QA. We will be delighted to see you!

If you are experiencing any discomfort in your feet, we are more than happy to help. Give us a call today on 01455 246100 to chat through your needs. We would love to help you with any foot health issues you may have.

Thank you for reading – Bespoke Orthoses vs Shop-Bought Insoles: What is Best?

Faye Vogiatzoglou
Clinical Director

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