Santa Claus is coming to…Medipod!

Santa Claus is comingIn fact, Santa Claus has been to Medipod Clinics to have his feet checked out and ready for Christmas! I was very privileged this year to treat Santa’s feet! It was a lovely surprise.

Looking after your feet is important. Feet are your body’s foundation, so keeping them healthy is vital to your overall health. Years of wear and tear can be hard on your feet and Santa’s feet are no exception.

Christmas is about helping others, giving selflessly and being thankful for what you have! So let’s unfold Santa’s footcare journey!

Footwear Advice

Santa Claus is coming to…Medipod!Santa came to the clinic with oversized boots! I just could not believe it! Too much movement of your foot in the shoes creates unnecessary friction and pressure that leads to blisters, corns, and calluses. In addition, your natural stride gets disrupted as you try to keep the shoe in place. This contributes to pain at the back of your heel (Achilles tendinitis) or pain at the ball of your feet (metatarsalgia).
Santa was advised to have his feet measured in terms of length and width, and he was given a couple of different shoe catalogues to help him find some new boots.

Fungal infections

Apparently, Santa has been trying to get rid of his fungal nail infection for many years! He has tried numerous over the counter nail paints but nothing has worked.

Santa Claus is coming to…Medipod!”There are three types of fungus commonly found on the skin: mould, yeast, and tinea unguium. Healthy skin forms a barrier that protects the body from infection. If the skin gets damaged or unhealthy, issues arise. The warm and moist environment in your shoes and socks allows the fungus to grow. Skin and nails contain keratin, which is exactly what foot fungus needs for growth. Fungal skin is usually flaky and will often peel, crack, itch or burn. The skin may also be dry and red and is often mistaken for extremely dry skin. People tend to apply moisturising cream without much success. If the toenails are infected, they are often yellow, thickened, and brittle and may be lifting from the nail bed.

Looking at the extent of the fungal infection, it was evident that too much nail was involved. If more that 70% of the surface of the nail is affected, it is unlikely that anything over the counter will be effective. So, I had to write to his GP in North Pole to request some oral antifungals to tackle this nasty fungus! If that was not enough, the skin on his feet was also affected.

Therefore, a combination of antifungal agents (creams and sprays) was issued and advised to use for minimum 3 months. Santa’s New Year Resolution is to get rid of his fungus from his feet! Needless to say, I booked him in after Christmas for a review!

Foot Supports

It was lovely to see that Santa has been wearing custom-made foot supports for his flat feet! He told me that he has had them for over 10 years, and it was time to upgrade them. Therefore, we organised another appointment for him for a biomechanical assessment with casting so that we can issue a brand new pair of orthoses for him in time for Christmas.

A biomechanical assessment is a thorough examination of the way you walk including gait analysis. This involves taking multiple measurements from your feet, ankles, knees, hips, and lower back. We look at muscle strength, range, and quality of movement as well as any structural abnormalities. Then, a template of your feet is taken out of plaster of Paris, and a prescription is prepared according to the type of shoes you are wearing and your specific requirements.

At the end, Santa was delighted with the treatment he received. He felt like he was walking on air!

Ho Ho Ho!

If you think you can relate to any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Santa Claus is coming to…Medipod!

At Medipod Clinics we take great care of your feet. Our experienced staff will treat your feet with the respect and attention they deserve. Give us a call today on 01455 246100 to chat through your needs.

We also offer a very wide range of treatments such as verruca treatments, ingrown toenail management, fungal infection treatment, heel pain management, diabetic footcare and sports injuries management. I can assure you that we will do our best to exceed your expectations. Our staff will treat your feet with the respect and attention they deserve. For more information and to get in touch, please contact us on 01455 246100. You are also, welcome to visit us at 45 Rugby Rd, Hinckley, LE10 0QA. We will be delighted to see you!

Thank you for reading – Santa Claus is coming to…Medipod!

Faye Vogiatzoglou
Clinical Director

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