How to avoid ingrowing toenails

How to avoid ingrowing toenails

Avoid ingrowing toenails – An ingrown toenail happens when the edges or corners of the nail grow into the skin next to the nail and break the skin. It is a common condition, and it can be painful, causing swelling, redness, and sometimes infection. It usually affects the big toe, either on one or both sides of the toe. If

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How to choose the right shoes for your children’s feet

How to choose the right shoes for your children’s feet

How to choose the right shoes for your children’s feet. It’s this time of the year when parents have to get school shoes for their children. Although many parents will follow the advice from trained shoe shop assistants, I always notice children who don’t wear the right shoes for their feet. So what parents should look out for when buying

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Perception of Podiatry by a Teenage Girl

Perception of Podiatry by a Teenage Girl

So, what comes into your head when you think of a podiatry clinic? I asked some of my classmates at college what they know about podiatry and how they’d feel about having to attend a podiatry appointment. Many people told me that they wouldn’t see the point. They’d be scared or wouldn’t want to go because they think it would

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Why do we get corns and calluses?

Why do we get corns and calluses?

Corns and calluses are areas of hard skin that develop due to excessive pressure or friction. They commonly occur on the feet and can cause pain and discomfort when you walk. Podiatrists are trained to use sharp instruments in order to remove efficiently any corns and calluses from your feet. The process is pain free and will leave your skin

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Cosmetic Nail Reconstruction

Cosmetic Nail Reconstruction

Cosmetic Nail Reconstruction Treatment for Damaged, Unsightly or Missing Toenails Cosmetic Nail Reconstruction – Many men and women suffer from unsightly toenails and are embarrassed about their feet. In order to hide them away, they often wear closed shoes, socks or paint over the damage to disguise it. This makes it worse in the process. In this article, we share

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Why flip-flops are bad for your feet

Why flip-flops are bad for your feet

Flip-flops have gained a lot of popularity in the last few years. There are so many colours, metallic finishes, wedges, platforms and patterns available. For many of us flip-flops are “the” shoe of the summer and with them being relatively inexpensive, we can’t get enough of them! However, there are a lot of reasons why flip-flops can cause damage to

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Top 5 Tips to avoid Heel Pain

Top 5 Tips to avoid Heel Pain

There are many tips on heel pain online, so how do these relate to you and your feet? Heel pain can be quite complex and it is not always due to plantar fasciitis. There are other structures around your heel that can become inflamed and cause discomfort. Your podiatrist will be able to assess your feet and give you advice

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Top 5 Tips about Verruca Management

Top 5 Tips about Verruca Management

Top 5 Tips for Verruca Management: What you need to know There are many treatments for verrucas such as over the counter medicaments, freezing treatments, application of acids and surgical options. We will discuss how all of these relate to you and your feet. Verrucas are viral infections of the skin and can be very persistent to treatment.  That is

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Warm Wax Therapy Treatment

Warm Wax Therapy Treatment and the Importance of Maintaining your Foot Health Upgrade your Podiatry or Beauty Treatment and Experience a Therapeutic Warm Wax Therapy Treatment. Why is this so important? If you don’t regularly maintain the health of your feet, you may experience discomfort from nails, hard skin or cracked skin. Furthermore, the skin may get infected and extremely

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Medipod Clinics, Every step of your way

Medipod Clinics, Every step of your way

The ultimate aim of Medipod Clinics is to treat, and help you look after your feet so that they look and feel healthy. We do this by understanding how your body works in relation to your feet. Therefore, we can treat your feet, give you the right advice and enable you to achieve better health. Furthermore, we will always make

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